Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tea Parties Attendance Passes 540,000

A second American Revolution is taking place under the noses of the liberal elite who run this country.

More than 500,000 Americans attended the April 15 Tea Parties held across the country to protest high taxes and runaway spending.

More protests are scheduled as the beleaguered American taxpayer attempts to take back government from the political aristocracy.

PJTV Attendance Count for Tea Parties Passes 540,000

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Blogger Vic Brown said...

Hi Tony....why does your comment reflect partisonship??
Both political parties have caused our current problems. Bush and the Republicans promised choice, freedom, reform, and a restrained federal government. They delivered massive overspending, the biggest expansion of entitlements in 40 years, centralization of education, a floundering war, an imperial presidency, civil liberties abuses, the intrusion of the federal government into social issues and personal freedoms, and finally a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street that just kept on growing. And Obama just keeps the ball rolling!!
In the last presidential election, there was one candidate that would have stopped the spending and bailouts….Ron Paul.
Where were you? Backing McCain, I’m guessing. He would be doing the same as Obama.

April 19, 2009 1:48 PM 
Blogger Vic Brown said...

Both political parties have caused our current problems. Bush and the Republicans promised choice, freedom, reform, and a restrained federal government. They delivered massive overspending, the biggest expansion of entitlements in 40 years, centralization of education, a floundering war, an imperial presidency, civil liberties abuses, the intrusion of the federal government into social issues and personal freedoms, and finally a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street that just kept on growing. And Obama just keeps the ball rolling!!
In the last presidential election, there was one candidate that would have stopped the spending and bailouts….Ron Paul.
Where were you? Backing McCain, I’m guessing. He would be doing the same as Obama.

April 19, 2009 1:49 PM 
Blogger Tony Phyrillas said...

I don't recall Ron Paul's name being on the ballot for the November election.

April 20, 2009 9:47 AM 

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