Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Give GOP credit for trying to balance state budget

Pennsylvania Senate Democrats, pandering to their various special interest groups, have launched a full-out assault on Senate Republicans who last week passed a balanced budget that reduces state spending while funding essential services.

The 30-20 vote was along party lines, but it shows that somebody in Harrisburg is serious about the state's fiscal crisis.

Despite a projected $3 billion shortfall in the current General Fund budget, Rendell and Democrats in the Legislature want to increase state spending next year. That's right. They've spent $3 billion more than they've taken in this year and they want to spend more next year.

For a good perspective on state spending, see the following posts at POLICY BLOG, which is affiliated with the Commonwealth Foundation, a non-partisan think tank based in Harrisburg:

PA Senate Budget by the Numbers

Pennsylvania Budget by Department Under Rendell

PA School Districts to Get 12% Increase in Support

Will Pennsylvanians Starve Without Farm Subsidies?

Shining Some Light on Pennsylvania Spending

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