Thursday, June 4, 2009

Liberal media double-standard

Did you hear about the Muslim fanatic who gunned down a soldier outside an Arkansas Army recruitment center? Probably not.

The story received little coverage by the mainstream media, which has been fixated all week with the murder of an infamous Kansas abortion doctor.

Michelle Malkin couldn't help but notice the double-standard in the media's coverage of the two violent acts.

The killing of abortionist George Tiller was Page 1 news in most newspapers and led the network news broadcasts. The murder of Pvt. William Long by a domestic terrorist was virtually ignored by the media and the Obama Administration, which is working hard to persuade Americans that we are not at war with radical Islam despite having several hundred thousand troops currently fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

From Malkin's latest column:
When a right-wing Christian vigilante kills, millions of fingers pull the trigger. When a left-wing Muslim vigilante kills, he kills alone.

These are the instantly ossifying narratives in the Sunday shooting death of late-term abortion provider George Tiller of Kansas vs. the Monday shootings of two Arkansas military recruiters.

Tiller's suspected murderer, Scott Roeder, is white, Christian, anti-government and anti-abortion. The gunman in the military recruitment center attack, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, is black, a Muslim convert, anti-military and anti-American.

Both crimes are despicable, cowardly acts of domestic terrorism. But the disparate treatment of the two brutal cases by both the White House and the media is striking.

President Obama issued a statement condemning "heinous acts of violence" within hours of Tiller's death. The Justice Department issued its own statement and sent federal marshals to protect abortion clinics.

News anchors and headline writers abandoned all qualms about labeling the gunman a terrorist. An almost gleeful excess of mainstream commentary poured forth on the climate of hate and fear created by conservative talk radio, blogs and Fox News in reporting Tiller's activities.

By contrast, Obama was silent about the military recruiter attacks that left 24-year-old Pvt. William Long dead and 18-year-old Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula gravely wounded.
Read the full column, "Two Standards In The Media's World Of Hate," at the Investor's Business Daily Web site.

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Blogger Roddie said...

Zero comments again, Tony. That will comfort me, as I drift off to sleep tonight.

June 6, 2009 1:59 AM 
Anonymous godking said...

Hey roddie make sure you turn of that gay porn before you 'drift off to sleep' every night. Wouldnt want mommy walking in to tuck you in bed just to find a messy unpleasant suprise now would we?

As far as liberal media double standards go, this is the status quo for how the MSM operates and always will be as long as liberals run it because its the only way they can keep the democrud party from having to debate those proven facts that professional all-star journalist/pundits like Michelle Malkin constantly bring to public attention. I mean.. lets face it, all those screwball libtard sycophants like ronnie boy have to go somewhere to hear those liberal fairy tales about the state of the world these days which allows them to fall asleep peacefully at night and not spend too much time involved with other nefarious, un-mentionable internet activities.

October 16, 2009 8:14 PM 

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