Tell Rep. Drucker not to raise your taxes

Drucker has served in the Legislature for five months. His first major vote will be on Gov. Ed Rendell's $29 billion budget for the 2009-10 fiscal year. The only way to balance Rendell's budget is through major tax increases. Rendell's current budget is expected to finish $3.2 billion in the red.
Drucker campaigned on the promise of reducing property taxes. Ironically he is being pressured by Rendell and the Democratic party bosses in Harrisburg to raise taxes on his constituents to continue the out-of-control spending in Harrisburg.
If you live in the 157th District (Schuylkill and Tredyffrin townships, Phoenixville Borough and parts of Lower Providence and West Norriton townships), you need to remind Rep. Drucker that if he votes to raise your taxes, he will not receive your vote in 2010 when he seeks re-election.
You can send an e-mail through his Web site, or use the following contact information:
Hon. Paul J. Drucker
992 Old Eagle School Road
Suite 909
Wayne, PA 19087
(610) 688-5691
Fax: (610) 688-5695
Hon. Paul J. Drucker
2812-A Egypt Road
Audubon, PA 19403
(610) 631-2865
Fax: (610) 631-2867
Hon. Paul J. Drucker
323 Irvis Office Building
PO Box 202157
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2157
(717) 705-2003
Fax: (717) 772-2943
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania Legislature, Taxes
I recently contacted Paul Drucker's office in Audubon to ask a question about the property tax rebate, based on a mailing his office sent to me, and I received wonderful service. I found out I was eligible to receive a rebate on my property taxes. I never even knew about this program before. As a senior citizen, my finances are tight, and I really appreciated this help. Don't beat up on him too much, Tony, he is doing a good job for us.
Keep in mind that the "property tax relief" is coming from the casino revenues and that bill was approved in 2004, long before Mr. Drucker took office. I'm not questioning his constituent service. The question all residents of the 157th District need to know is whether Rep. Drucker will vote to raise their taxes to support Gov. Rendell's out-of-control spending.
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