Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rendell urges Senate GOP to 'cancel their vacations, their fun'

Party pooper.

Gov. Ed Rendell issued the following statement after Senate Democrats refused Wednesday to join their Republican colleagues to override Rendell's veto of funding for education and social services.
"The Senate Democratic caucus did the right and courageous thing today: they put the next generation before the next election, and they demonstrated a strong and long standing commitment to passing a real and responsible budget for the citizens of this state.

"The failed attempt to override my veto of SB 850 further demonstrates the extreme and politically motivated nature of the position held by the Republican leaders. Once again, I call on them to cancel their vacations, their fun and their fundraisers. Return to Harrisburg. Immediately begin non-stop negotiations. Convene the conference committee. Get real. Lead, negotiate and compromise until a final comprehensive budget is in place for the commonwealth."
Now I'm really confused. I thought Rendell and the Democrats were looking out for the little people. But it was Rendell and the Democrats who refused to fund education and the social services.

Sounds like Rendell and the doormat Democrats are the ones playing politics.

Governor Rendell Applauds Senate Democrats for Standing Up for Pennsylvanians

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