Thursday, September 3, 2009

American Liberty Tour kicks off Sept. 10

Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today announced the nationwide American Liberty Tour, an outreach effort to organize concerned citizens beginning on September 10. It is scheduled to stop in 18 cities across 12 states from California to Georgia until October 13.

Wilson called upon Americans nationwide to join the tour, and "to begin organizing to take back America from the Washington power elite through the establishment of a viable political movement in the defense of liberty, limited government, and free markets."

"Change will not come from Washington. Change will come in Sacramento, Tallahassee, Atlanta, and elsewhere. Change will come from individual Americans in their communities who are determined to save their nation from an unsustainable, unaccountable Leviathan in Washington," Wilson declared.

"Rallies are great for venting anger. But anger is not enough. The American people's best defense is action in their local communities," Wilson added. "So, the American Liberty Tour will be traveling across the country providing training to individuals. The hard left has been doing this kind of 'community organizing' for decades. Now, it's time to give them a dose of their own medicine."

The American Liberty Tour is a collaborative project of the American Liberty Alliance, American Majority, Americans for Limited Government and the Sam Adams Alliance, and will feature Adam Bitely (NetRight Nation), Ned Ryun (American Majority), Eric Odom (, Ken Marrero (American Liberty Alliance), Erick Erickson (RedState), "Joe the Plumber", Lloyd Marcus (The Tea Party Song), and many others.

For more information, check out the American Liberty Tour Web site,


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