Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Independents fuel GOP victories in Va., N.J.

Independent voters helped elect Barack Obama in 2008, but appear to have abandoned the Democrats in 2009. Not a good sign for Dems as the 2010 midterm elections approach.

From The Washington Times:
In a sign that there's more trouble ahead for Democrats, voters in New Jersey and Virginia said they were driven by the economy and spending, and Republicans said their showing on Tuesday gives them momentum heading into the 2010 congressional elections.

Campaigning in Virginia, Republican Robert F. McDonnell said Democrats' "overreach" in Washington helped boost him to what was a trouncing of Democratic nominee R. Creigh Deeds. And in New Jersey, Republican Chris Christie unseated the broadly unpopular Gov. Jon Corzine despite being outspent in a solidly blue state.
Read the full story at the link below:

Independents fuel GOP victories in Va., N.J. - Washington Times


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