Rep. Reichley: Dems Hold College Students Hostage

"Just as tuition bills for the next semester are being mailed to students and parents, House Democratic leaders this week rebuffed a bipartisan attempt to pass state funding bills for Penn State, Pittsburgh, Temple and Lincoln universities.
"Republicans asked that these funding bills be voted on, but it became apparent that the bills are being held hostage until Democratic leaders can twist enough arms to pass a table gaming bill that they claim is needed to fund universities.
"Families are already struggling to find money to pay for ever-increasing tuition bills. This week they found themselves involved in yet another hostage situation orchestrated by Governor Ed Rendell and House Democrat leaders. Instead of passing the bills and releasing state funding that is currently available, the bills are being held until a vote for an expanded gambling bill takes place.
"This is the third set of budget hostages this year. First it was state employees, then it was nonprofits and community service organizations, now its college students, parents, and universities that desperately need state funding so tuition rates don't skyrocket.
"I had prepared an amendment to the table gaming bill to direct the funds toward the Public School Employees Retirement System and the impending pension spike, rather than allowing the governor to access the revenue in the General Fund. Since Democrat leadership abruptly adjourned session, this issue will be addressed again next week."
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania Legislature
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