How screwed up is the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania?

Arlen Specter, a Republican since 1965, persuaded enough Democratic Party officials that he is their best option for 2010. All that stands in the way is Congressman Joe Sestak and angry voters who are tired of incumbents.
The party also could not reach a consensus on an endorsement for governor. The only thing the delegates were sure of was they did not want perennial loser Joe Hoeffel, who is running on a pro-abortion, pro same-sex marriage platform. Hoeffel was eliminated on the first ballot.
But the delegates could not decide between liberal Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato and moderate Auditor General Jack Wagner. Neither man received the necessary two-thirds vote for the endorsement.
Wagner finished first in the balloting, but could not garner enough support for the endorsement. Onorato, who has raised the most money and wants to continue the failed Ed Rendell policies, finished second and attracted only half as many endorsement votes as Wagner.
A Republican retread and a candidate who couldn't earn his own party's endorsement will lead the Democratic slate in 2010. Can you say "Republican sweep"?
Look for Pat Toomey to be the next U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and Tom Corbett to be the next governor.
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania Politics, Republicans
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