No wonder Sen. Bob Mellow is retiring

Robert Swift, Harrisburg Bureau Chief for The Citizens' Voice, reports that state Sen. Bob Mellow, the Democratic leader, will triple his current salary when he retires at the end of the year.
It sure beats working for a living.
From Swift's story:
HARRISBURG - Sen. Robert Mellow could be eligible for an annual taxpayer-funded state pension amounting to three times his $110,250 salary when he leaves office in November.Read the full story at the newspaper's Web site.
Mellow, 67, is eligible to collect the bulk of his pension through the state government's defined-benefit plan. In addition, Mellow can collect supplemental pension benefits to reach a minimum $313,000 annual payout he may be getting through the little-known state-run Benefits Completion Plan.
The combination of two pension streams will enable Mellow to have retirement benefits that greatly exceed his current $110,250 Senate salary as well as the incomes of average Pennsylvanians. In addition to generous pensions, state lawmakers enjoy top-level health benefits that cover medical care, eye and dental care and prescription drugs in retirement. Since 2006, current and retired senators contribute 1 percent of their incomes toward health benefits.
Mellow, D-Peckville, has said he won't seek re-election to an 11th term, wrapping up a career that began in 1970. Efforts to obtain comment from Mellow and his spokeswoman, Lisa Scullin, were unsuccessful.
The exact amount of Mellow's pension won't be known until early next year, and will be influenced by a variety of factors.
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature, Pensions, Perks
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