Miles for Hope

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pushing On - Days 3 and 4

Days 3 and 4 are behind me, and I’m making some pretty good progress, despite a flat tire, tons of hills, and one minor wreck after climbing a hill for a solid hour when it dropped back down to flat surface. I think I just must’ve been tired at that point.

Wednesday was a long day where I got in 83 miles despite a ton of hills. It was definitely more hills than I’ve ever ridden through. It felt good to complete them all.

Today (Thursday) I made up some ground though and rode about 117 miles.

I met some people at a rest stop who set out from Philly on Sunday morning, and they were pretty impressed that we were at the same place even though they left a day and a half before me. That made me feel good because I feel like I’m keeping a good pace.

I rode through Schwenksville, PA today, where one of the 9/11 planes went down. I’ll be in Pittsburgh tomorrow and plan to be through Ohio over the weekend. I am staying in Perryopolis, PA tonight. I got in pretty late so I am feeling like I’m going to get a good night’s sleep tonight. I’m feeling good but pretty beat. The sun beating down on me makes me feel like I’ve been at the beach all day.

Physically I’m still feeling okay. My legs are sore at night but not when I’m riding, which is good. So far, I have gotten in almost 350 miles, which is very close to 100 miles a day since I left at 4pm Monday. I’m feeling positive about that.

I’m also feeling positive about the great comments people have been sending through to me. It’s really keeping me going, so are the additional donations coming through.

As a reminder, you can donate on my Lance Armstrong Page at

I will report on Day 5, as well as the weekend since I plan on riding through Ohio, next week!

Once again, thank you to everyone for your support!


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