Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Texting from heaven

If someone told me 10 years ago that young people would embrace as their favored method of communication typing out messages on their cell phones, I would not have believed it -- or even been able to imagine how this could work. I'm a pretty fast typist, but on a cell phone keypad? I don't think so.
Yet here we are, everyone texting non-stop with their BFFs. I am continually amazed by it all. My two 18-year-old children conduct entire friendships and relationships in text, barely talking to the people involved for days at a time.
Last week, our police reporter Brandie Kessler related a message on the Facebook (another phenomenon that I never saw coming) of a young car-crash victim. One of her friends wrote, "I wish you could take your cell to heaven, so you could text me and tell me what it's like."
I think that says it all.


Anonymous Mandy said...

Thanks Mom

March 27, 2008 3:08 PM 

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