The Big Ticket

A blog about the Democratic Convention

Monday, August 25, 2008

What Biden Brings To The Big Ticket

Hello again everyone! Thank you to anonymous for your comments on Senator Obama's choice for VP. I believe you have a valid point. Biden brings a lot to the ticket that seems as though it will please those Hillary supporters who are unsure of which way to vote. Before I get into what I believe Biden brings to the ticket, I must say one thing first. As a Hillary supporter, who was dissappointed by the results of the primary election, I am proud to say that I fully support Senator Barack Obama for president. To those of you who were Hillary supporters and have decided not to vote Democratic because of her loss in the primaries - you need to seriously reassess your party affiliation and the reasons why you call yourself a Democrat. Obama and Hillary stood so close on nearly all the issues, that I find it difficult to stomach the fact that it may be our own party which sabotages the chances of a Democratic president this January. This is just some food for thought - it is not my intentions to make anyone feel as though they must vote for a specific candidate. However, if you vote on the issues (which everyone should and would be foolish not to), then you should see how this controversy is very troubling for me and many others alike. Ok now, back to Biden. One huge factor that troubles many Hillary supporters, and Democrats in general, is the mindless assertion that Obama is a Muslim. What Joe Biden brings to the table is the fact that he is Catholic. This is comforting to many people and I believe will help Obama bring some of those undecided Hillary supporters to his side. Next, Biden brings a wealth of experience in foreign policy to the ticket. Foreign policy has been speculated as one of Senator Obama's weak points, and Biden could help to reassure some undecided voters in this respect. Lastly, Biden's family history, along with his understanding of the effects of the current economic crisis on many average Americans, appears to be helping Obama win support from many blue collar workers, which we know to be one of Hillary's key constituencies. Well, that's where I stand. I hope this has been insightful for at least some of you, and again, if you would like to leave comments I would be more than happy to address any of your thoughts or concerns in future blogs.


Blogger Aunt Joann said...

Good Morning Jessica, or shall I say afternoon. You are extremely busy with everything, we all look forward to reading your blogg but, we will all understand if you don't get to update as often as you want. Just so pleased for you to have this experience. You should report on CNN - Considering you are a hell of a writer. But we all know you will be a BETTER Lawyer!!!! It certainly would be nice if everyone would leave their name. LOL -

Love Ya Babe

Aunt Joann

August 26, 2008 11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica, interesting take on the Hillary supporters. I think they just want to make sure Obama knows how they feel. Let face it, she really got a raw deal from her own party.
So far, what is your take on the convention experience ( and CNN) ?

August 26, 2008 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica, the big speach is tonight. Were you able to get a ticket for it? Did you get to see the Clintons? I cant wait to see you when you get home. I am sure you will have alot to share with us. See you Sat. morning at 12:30 am.
Love Mom

August 28, 2008 2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
I hope you're doing well and things are looking up even if they didn't turn out how you planned. I saw an ad the other day with Hillary giving one of her speaches during her preliminary campaign and it wouldn't seem that her support was for Obama. At that time it wasn't, she was trying to win herself. Anyway, at the end of the ad John McCain says he approved this message. What low tactics, to use her campaign against Obama. Do you think people will look at that and feel she doesn't support him? As far as Obama being a Christian he met with Rick Warren from Saddleback church and confirmed that he was a Christain. The interview is on Saddleback's websit if you want to see it. I hope that people are ready to look at the real issues; stem cell, the war etc and not make a "judgment" call on a name or race.

August 28, 2008 4:49 PM  

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