Junction House, Lansdale

With the Christmas Eve fire that occurred in the apartments above the Junction House Pub on Walnut Street, Lansdale, members of the Lansdale Historical Society thought people might want to see what the building site looked like ’way back when.
So here is a photo of the building when it housed H.C. Nolan & Co. Cigar Manufacturers, one of several such companies in Lansdale back in the day, according to the Historical Society.
The estimate for the date of this flat-iron building is 1900.
And apparently it was a day when someone decided it was the perfect time to line up the employees and snap a photo.
Check out how the building looks today by driving by the site at Second and Walnut streets, Lansdale.
Last week we ran a photo submitted by Ellis W. Kriebel, showing a photo from the 1915-16 era with the Kriebel family ready to go for a ride in their automobile.
At the end of the information he provided, the question was posed,
“Does anyone know the name of the car?”
Well, Dennis Boyles of Towamencin contacted us to provide an answer. As an antique car buff -- and having checked out other photos and information -- Boyles said the car is a Grant, possibly at 1916 Grant.
So there you have it
this may not seem like it pertains to the Junction House in any way... but with a deeper vision you will learn how this particular fire changed my entire life, and how it is one of the truest reasons why I am still here today.
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