Mini bikers

Dale Clark of Lansdale provided these photos, printed in The Reporter back in the early 1970s, as proof that bikers did rule in the borough.
Well, minibikers, that is.
These photos were taken at the former Philco-Ford plant parking lot off Church Road, Lansdale, and show the members of the newly formed Lansdale Minibike Club at their second meeting of the group.
According to a write-up in the paper, “both children and adults turned out in numbers to watch and participate in the second meeting of the Lansdale Minibike Club.”
“Organizers at the rally said more than 50 youngsters were on hand for the four-hour fun-riding session, while a crowd of onlookers estimated at 175 watched from the sidelines.
“Bikers also practiced precision drill formation under the tutelage of Sgt. Earle Bergey of the Lansdale Police Department, project organizer.”
The article noted that the Adult Advisory Committee of the group would be meeting soon at the North Penn YMCA and that another rally was beeing planned for a spot on Ninth Street, off Moyer’s Road, Lansdale.
Yes, we may have Bike Night in Lansdale each year, but it looks like this group really enjoyed the “mini” version of this hobby.
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