A real Starr at the dairy
If you grew up in this area, surely you remember Sally Starr.
And this photo shows one man who quite obviously had a special reason for remembering her.
Today’s photo was submitted by Cindy Maher of Harleysville, who notes that the picture was taken in the early 1960s of her father, Ed Maher, giving a tour of the local Martin Century Farms to the TV personality, Sally Starr.

Maher noted:
“My father started working for Martin’s right out of college. He graduated from Penn State in 1950 with a degree in dairy husbandry. He was director of the lab and supervised all the testing of the milk and dairy products sold by Martin’s.
“He also used to visit the farms that supplied milk to the dairy to make sure proper sanitation was used when milking the cows and transporting the milk to the dairy where is was pasteurized and bottled.
“I asked him why Sally Star was at the dairy and all he could remember was that it must have been for some promotional advertisement that the dairy was doing.”
She said he really didn’t remember why he was chosen to have the honor of taking Starr on the tour.
But she noted:
“I was about 6 years old at the time and Sally Star was a big deal. I think every kid growing up around here watched Sally Star and Popeye theater after school.
“My mother took me over to the dairy to meet her after the tour, but I was too scared to get out of the car, so I never got to meet her.
“I do remember seeing her from a distance, though. Which at the time was as big a thrill as actually meeting her.”
And this photo shows one man who quite obviously had a special reason for remembering her.
Today’s photo was submitted by Cindy Maher of Harleysville, who notes that the picture was taken in the early 1960s of her father, Ed Maher, giving a tour of the local Martin Century Farms to the TV personality, Sally Starr.

Maher noted:
“My father started working for Martin’s right out of college. He graduated from Penn State in 1950 with a degree in dairy husbandry. He was director of the lab and supervised all the testing of the milk and dairy products sold by Martin’s.
“He also used to visit the farms that supplied milk to the dairy to make sure proper sanitation was used when milking the cows and transporting the milk to the dairy where is was pasteurized and bottled.
“I asked him why Sally Star was at the dairy and all he could remember was that it must have been for some promotional advertisement that the dairy was doing.”
She said he really didn’t remember why he was chosen to have the honor of taking Starr on the tour.
But she noted:
“I was about 6 years old at the time and Sally Star was a big deal. I think every kid growing up around here watched Sally Star and Popeye theater after school.
“My mother took me over to the dairy to meet her after the tour, but I was too scared to get out of the car, so I never got to meet her.
“I do remember seeing her from a distance, though. Which at the time was as big a thrill as actually meeting her.”
Wow! I also grew up in Harleysville Pa I always watched Sally Starr every day after school. I also remember Martin Century farms and I am not sure but I think in elementary school we took a day trip out there. Ironically Sally Starr lives in Atco Nj now and my husband and I live very close to her. After all the years I watched her on tv I finally got the chance to meet her at a 4th of July picnic in Buena NJ(something like 2005) I was still so nervous and when I sat next to her I simply babbled on about all the years I watched her on tv and what an incredible honor it was to Finally meet her. She simply nodded her head and proceded to give me a big hug (and her autograph) I wll never forget that day as long as I live!!
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