Which came first?

Our photo today is from Steven Bucher of Harleysville, who notes that this photo may answer “what might be Harleysville’s only trivia question.”
That question being: “What came first? The traffic light or the filling station?”
This is a shot, Bucher says, of Main Street, Harleysville, dating from 1968.
As he describes it, you see, from left to right:
H.B. Clemens store building.
H.B. Clemens home.
Willis and Verna Anders home.
Alvin and Mildred Clemens home/office.
Harleysville National Bank.
Barb and Bab’s Restaurant, and Rein Ritter Barbershop. He notes that the last two businesses were in a twin building.
Nelson Moyer home.
So those of you who live in Harleysville or remember these places, enjoy the “quiz”!
And we want to point out that, on Wednesday, our annual Remember When special supplement will appear in The Reporter.
This year’s theme is “Looking back at simpler days of ‘play’” and features such topics as old amusement parks, the Hatfield Speedway, drive-in theaters, old diners, cruising, baseball and swimming pools.
Don’t miss it on Wednesday!
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