Udder nonsense

December starts tomorrow, so can the snow and cold be far behind?
If the weather predictions we’ve all been hearing are any indication, this could be one snowy, cold winter.
So when we came across this photo from our 1982 files, we couldn’t help but think it was the perfect picture to run as we head into December.
Apparently someone at Freddy-Hill Farms on Sumneytown Pike, Towamencin, just could not resist a little play on words.
We don’t know if it was one of their cows, or just a creative family member, but they cud not — er, could not — have made it much more of a groaner could they?
Nope, they milked this one for all it was worth.
If you all know what cud, cows and udders are, you should get the joke.
Let’s hope that this year any bovine weather forecasters will deliver warmer predictions.
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