Keiser's 5&10

Russell Housekeeper is sharing with us one of our photos today, of the inside of Keiser’s 5 & 10, which used to be located on Main Street, Lansdale.
According to information supplied with the picture, the photo shows the store decked out in Easter decorations in 1916.
Mrs. Oscar R. Keiser is shown at the right. Behind the counter with her is Esther Lewis -- who was Housekeeper’s mother -- and people in front of the counter are identified as Mrs. Maginnis and Mrs. Sloan and her son.
At the left are a Mrs. Shull and son, and behind her, Verna Ott.
In the other photo, we see the outside of the store. This photo was supplied by the Lansdale Historical Society. The store was located at Main and Green streets, where the west side of 11 W. Main now stands, according to Dick Shearer of the Historical Society.
It was torn down as part of the Urban Renewal Project in the 1960s that razed about 60 downtown buildings, Shearer said.
Labels: Lansdale store