Blogs > Environmental Everythings

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

How do you contribute?

I've always recycled paper, but that has been my only significant contribution to recycling. With the recent discussion about global warming, I decided to investigate my impact upon the planet and pollution. I read about millions of trees that are being cut down every year for paper products. Then it hit me, trees are being killed on a regular basis just so I can have toilet paper. Something about that doesn't seem fair. I searched for a store that sells toilet paper made from recycled paper content. I found it at Trader Joe's and it's not expensive as I thought it would be. So I've switched to the recycled stuff. And I buy the recycled paper towels, too.
Now I've been searching for other small ways to make a difference because it all adds up.
So, what environmentally friends products do you use and where do you buy them?
What else do you do to contribute to saving our plant?


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