Blogs > SASD Strike News
Your source for news, links, photos, videos and commentary from the Souderton Area School District labor negotiations.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Sound off item, "Time for teachers to pay" has resulted in many responses. CLICK HERE to see the item and the nearly 50 responses.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Senior citizen prom canceled

The popular annual senior citizen prom, which is staged annually by students and staff at Indian Crest Junior High School, was canceled due to the ongoing SASD contract situation. To read this story, CLICK HERE.
Board approved coaching contracts

The Souderton Area School Board approved contracts for spring coaching jobs at the high school and junior high school. To see the list of approved salaries, and the reader reaction, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Commentary...A few facts
Telford resident Hugh C. Donnelly wrote a commentary, and many readers responded. CLICK HERE to read 'A look at facts in Souderton Area' and the responses.