Trenton PD cars
Hey, Ed, does anyone at the Trenton Police Department own their own vehicle? They all have city vehicles. Now this crazy Captain Sleepy smashes up a car going home to Burlington Township. Who’s got to pay for that? The taxpayers. It’s time that these guys who make $130,000-$140,000 a year buy their own cars.
Car & driver
It’s the same old excuse: They need to take those cars home in case something happens in the middle of the night so they came show up quicker. Now stop laughing, that is the company line from the police, as well as DYFS, city-hall workers, state workers, etc. Can you believe it? We shell out millions each year in free gas, free car insurance, free wear-and-tear, and everything else so these “special” people can get a commuter car on our dime. But voters will continue to vote for the same politicians that allow these free rides to continue. We can all be proud.- Ed. Note
I think it's about time to let "captain Sleepy" alone. First of all the sleeping incident was blown way out of proportion. It's not like he was in a cot with a pillow and blanket. He was upright in a chair. Who would you rather have looking out for you interests?
A dedicated cop who was excellent enough and intelligent enough to rise to Captain or the jerk cop who was leazy enough to take the picture and publish it?????
ripbob. Who would I rather have looking out for me? Someone who was atleast looking. Can't do that when your asleep. I can't complain though, atleast he was awake long enough to make it to captain. Which gave him the right to sleep on the job. Yup! Now I feel safe.
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