Thursday, October 18, 2007

French Revolutionary

Hey, Ed, how can the IRS demand a piece of our New Jersey tax rebate? We all work to earn a living. The federal government takes taxes out of our paycheck, so we’ve already paid taxes on this money. We take the little bit of money left over after federal and state taxes, and we pay our property tax. The state gives us some of this money back and the federal government wants us to pay taxes on it again? That can’t be right. Someone needs to step up and fight government, federal and state. What we need is a peaceful revolution, like in France, where they protest and shut down the government.
Some people do “step up.” They refuse to pay federal income taxes. They make a big deal about it in the media. They rant about how the IRS is a private collection agency wielding an unlawful tax through intimidation and deadly force. They tell everybody to rent the movie “America: Freedom to Fascism” by director Aaron Russo. Then they get busted by SWAT teams, and the rest of us fork over our taxes.—Ed. Note


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