Save Congo, part 2
Ed, For the life of me I cannot understand that judge who ordered the dog put to sleep for protecting his owner, his puppies and protecting himself from being hit with a rake by this guy Rivera. Rivera came on private property when he was told not to because the dogs were out. He comes out there and pulls a woman on top of him, hits the dog and the dog has to die because of this? Plus he’s getting $250,000! Give me a break!
Dog Daze
Use a woman for a human shield, win yourself $250,000. Not bad for a morning’s work. Sure beats planting tulips. —Ed. Note
This is so stupid. Kill the dog for doing what he thought was right. Here's something else to ponder, how bout the fact that this man is illegal??? He broke the law, he is a criminal. The dog wouldn't have had anyone to attack.
As I ponder, I find it strange we only found out the family had an illegal working on their property after the smoke cleared, and they began to exercise their unearned priviledges. Wonder why? Think they didn't know, or could it be they could have cared less? Could it be the below minimun wage they were probably paying their hired illegal criminal was fine with them as long as no one knew? Do they have other illegals in their employ? Since this law abiding do-gooder, dog loving family has so much to say about the wrongs they've been subjected to, guess they'll be more than happy to answer some questions from immigration, regarding their employing an known illegal immigrant. Can't wait to see that on the front page.
@ now it's real....ur right about that one...they probably cared less... i guess everyone's at fault lol
Now it's real. Your a genious. The entire issue is being ignored. The family stated that the illegal was coming to work on their property and did not follow the rules set before them. What about them? Let's not ignore the issue, the landscaper was an illegal, O.K. he's wrong from day one. The James family hired him knowing his status, otherwise how could they use it to complain about him. Now, let's just ask who's really breaking the law. In order for the illegal to be on their property, THEY hired him. Point Match Point
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