More laws, dumb laws
Trenton’s homicide numbers are at an all-time high. So Shirley Turner introduces a bill to eliminate the death penalty, which has not been enforced in more than 40 years. The bill was passed by Democrats in Trenton and was signed by Gov. Corzine. Everyone in New Jersey should cut out the list of how they voted in the Dec. 14 Trentonian on page 5 and put it up on your refrigerator and remove every politician from office next election. These people in Trenton can’t even balance a budget, even though the law requires it. We do not need new laws in New Jersey. We need to enforce the laws we have.
Voter’s Guide
You get a room full of lawmakers, it’s kind of tough to keep them from making laws. They think it’s their job or something. Maybe they should be forced to eliminate one law for every new one they cough up. —Ed. Note
Lawmakers make a law, you've got to be kidding. All they do is sit on the ones already in place and ACT as if they would change them IF they could. Nice job if you can get it.
Hey, at least NJ has a law that will not allow a child molester to use the internet for other than looking for a job. I guess that is better than NJ NOT having any laws on beastility, even if the horse might be an under age colt.
Politicians always use the ole Death Penality debate to do as usual run the clock. How long has Turner known about the law? Why is she ranting about it now. The Death Penality has always been the great debate, (It's runs the clock)
it's a time waster, a manipulator and an issue that will insure the lazy, cranky politicians have more time to sit and do nothing. Do we really expect them to do anything about a person having sex with an animal? Do we really? After all whatever is on the books in NJ stays on the books until it can be deemed a time waster and then after another 40 years someone will eventualy WAKE up and start the disagreement all over again.
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