Darn victims
Hi, Ed, I don’t want to sound like a hard head, but I’m calling about these two fires this past week — the first where the baby was killed and the second where the woman had to jump off the roof. These people never take responsibility for themselves. They’re blaming the landlord and they’re blaming Santiago for moving the fire company, when actually the blame lies with the residents. They can get fire alarms installed for free, for crying out loud! And when are they going to do that? This happens all the time. I can’t believe how stupid these people are.
Hard Head
You’re not just being a hard head, you’re being cruel and insensitive. And the landlords should take care of the fire alarms. —Ed. Note
Hard Head, who exactly are you referring to as "THOSE PEOPLE". Also, do you know anything at all about the landlords responsibilities? Didn't think so.
Anon - "THOSE PEOPLE" are any people who are too lazy to safeguard their families by checking their smoke alarms regularly and replacing batteries as necessary (I know what you were getting at - don't make this a race thing, pal).
You're telling me the LANDLORD is supposed to check your smoke alarm every six months? Can "THOSE PEOPLE" do NOTHING for themselves?
I have an even better idea: Why doesn't Inspections enter EVERY rental domicile twice a year and check for properly functioning smoke alarms? Yeah, that would be great...
If you're so used to the government doing everything for you, you'd probably like this. I don't.
Here's an idea: Why don't you grow up and protect your families?
He Irv, first of all it is the lamdlords responsibility, by virtue of the fact that HIS property must be kept in safe conditions at all times. Second, that's what his insurance for the shack says. It would serve his purpose and no one else's to check the fire alarms, since he's the one who profits off the safety of the property and no one else. Third, a tenant is not allowed to alter the landlords property or service of the property in anyway. This in in itself could lead to eviction if the landlords chooses to do so. So you see Irv, this was just another opportunity for you to offer up a little more of your learned ignorance.
Oooohh, "grammar can be hard," you sure told ME!!!
Listen, sweetie: If you care about your family and your possessions, you will ride your landlord's ass day and night, using legal action when necessary, until he does the right thing.
THEN, you'll go the fire department and get a FREE FREE FREE smoke alarm. And you'll go to the deli and by a battery or two.
It's that easy.
After that, it's up to you to do the little things, like not smoke in bed, leave candles burning all night, or use your oven and stove as sources of heat.
Oh, and sticking a smoke alarm on the ceiling is no more an "alteration" to a domicile than is hanging a picture on the wall. Nice try, idiot.
So, where do you get off calling ME ignorant, you empty headed, semi-literate zilch?
Sorry you got booted off the computer at the public library before you could REALLY give me a talking to.
Now run along, before you lose your spot at the Rescue Mission tonight.
If you don't get a smoke detector or ask the landlord for one, you deserve to wake up extra crispy. I'm sure the residents of these two buildings were just knocking down their landlords' doors trying to get smoke detectors. Landlords certainly have responsibilities regarding safety issues, but tenants have to have some responsibility/common sense. Just because someone provides a home for you and is receiving payment in return for that service doesn't mean that person is responsible for wiping your a$$ and holding your hand 24/7.
Bertrand, I'm not an idiot or a semi-literate zilch, don't use the public library computer or sleep at the rescue mission. I rent some houses in the city of Trenton. The tenants in my rental properties weren't even allowed to put pictures on the wall. For years I agreed that my tenants could do so and I ran into many expensive repairs due to the damage a person can accomplish with a mere hammer. Therefore my condition was nothing on my walls. At least that was my rule. But, after many court appearances and the loss of many tenants. I changed my policies, though I know several other landlords that absolutely will not. To you hateracer, no one is providing a home for a person that pays rent. They provide their own home, by PAYING THEIR RENT IDIOT. GUESS I'LL BE GETTING OUT OF NEW JERSEY.
Dear Anonymous Anal Landlord,
If renting property is such a pain in the ass, don't do it, Schmuck. Excuse me if I don't cry a river for the poor, poor landlords. If you don't want the responsibility of making repairs, find another way to make money. Nobody's holding a gun to your thick head to rent a property. As you leave Jersey, don't let the door hit you in your unwanted ass.
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