It's not the building
Hi, Ed, I’m reading with interest about the debate going on: Should they replace Trenton High or renovate it? That has nothing to do with the quality of education; that’s not going to change until there’s some more accountability in the community from the parents, the family. The only way (the kids) might have a chance is if they build apartments in that school, and keep the kids there all day and all night, so they don’t have to go back to that mess they face every night at home. I feel for those kids. But renovating or knocking down that building will not change things.
Guidance Counselor
Your bleak outlook is based in a truth. But just because the situation seems to be a lost cause doesn’t mean you can continue to house students in an inadequate facility.—Ed. Note
I agree the students should not be housed in an inadequate facility. The facility itself should have been adequate. Trenton Central High School is a national landmark. It is the 4th largest high school in this country. My problem with the new and improved renovation or demolition idea is that someone, somehow should have seen this coming. If the building is in such condition, didn't the board of idiots know about it years ago? What I mean by years ago, is when it was possible to make mere renovations, not complete demolition. The whole idea of demolition is a fraud. The school should be preserved at all cost. No amount of building a new school will improve the curriculum, grade levels, or teacher accountability that the trenton school district is under scrunity for. The building is no more than a smoke screen, used to distract from what the real problems and concerns should be. If the building is dangerous, it was dangerous 5 years ago. They had the money then. Where did it go? I'll answwer that, the same place it will dissapear to this time. Board member activities. And, everyone knows it. If Lofton really wanted to make a change in the district. He should spend that money on genuine student services and teacher accountability. The board should stop always finding ways to spend the money that should be spent on the students in a positive way. It will be very interesting to see how much of the million of dollars, or more is actually spent on constructing a new building, if need be.
Or will we just discover down the road that most of the money went for board member entertainment and travel, overtime, fake vendors, padded payrolls and retirement parties. It's obvious that the trenton school district hasn't been under a genuine leadership for many, years. At each interval they hire and rehire the same has beens that led to previous district failings. What the state needs to do is clean house. The school district certainly needs new leadership across the board. Those same old tired ideas from their family members or recurrent hirees, need to be flushed or put out with the rest of the trash.
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