Old clothes
Ed, What can be done with old clothing that’s not useable, like jeans that are ripped or torn, or other items that are not even good enough to give to someone. Aside from tossing it into the trash, is there any recycle outlet?
Raggety Ann
Any eco-minded BackTalkers have a suggestion?—Ed. Note
If you live in Hamilton, you might want to hang on to your old cloths or at least donate the better ones to the soon-to-be needy Hamiltonians who only survive on social insecurity or other fixed income. 'Do not include those on welfare who make more than some working people'. Thanks to the free spending days of Ol' Jack and other state Republicans like Queen Christie who maded it an art to balance their budgets by dipping into the pension funds of the state or county workers. Remember the famous reply when questioned about how the "borrowed" money will be repaid along with the interest, "WE know what WE are doing, those so-called experts who crunch numbers for a living just do not understand".
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