Sparing young lives
Ed, now that our wonderful governor and the legislators have abolished the death penalty, even for horrendous criminals like Ambrose Harris, how about if those same legislators vote against abortion, where millions of babies are murdered each year before they even have a chance to kill anybody?
Pro Life
Until the law is changed, it is a woman’s right to choose.— Ed. Note
Let me say this. While all these women have the right to choose, think about this. Choice in this country can lead to many things. Things that are both good and bad. However, choice should also be possible in the medical community. We have choices such as do I or don't I want to purchase larger breasts, new noses or better rear ends. What we don't have a chance to choose is whether or not a person wants to get cancer, kidney disease, Lou Gerhigs disease or Alzheimers. Remember this, Some of those babies you chose to abort, may have had the knowledge to cure problems much larger than an unwanted pregnancy.
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