Leadership rumor
Ed, tell the residents of Hamilton to brace themselves for a civilian police director. There’s one on the way. Just read between the lines of Mayor Benci’s police transition report. Then consider the report architects: an ex-Hamilton deputy chief who didn’t get the chief’s job he wanted, retired and later became a police director in Hunterdon; an ex-Trenton deputy chief (and Robbinsville resident, mind you) who was derailed by a police director while on his way to the supposedly promised chief’s job; and one of Mayor Benci’s vacation buddies, who was an FBI agent. My prediction: These guys shook the trees to see if anything would fall down, so that one of them can finally get the big job that has eluded them. Should they fail, Sgt. Recine is salivating in the wings for a cell phone call from Mayor Benci. After all, from past newspaper reports, we know the mayor has his number.
Keep The Chief
The administration said in a recent article that there is no truth to the rumor of a civilian police director.—Ed. Note
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