Teen tragedies
Hi, Ed, I would just like to comment on your coverage of a recent story about two 18-year-olds from Hamilton, one was killed, the other seriously injured. The Trentonian plastered this story on the front page with the headline “Teen Tragedy.” But there was no mention of “tragedy” for another story, “Trenton teen gunned down.” It was just another homicide involving a young man from Trenton. It’s not right! They are both tragedies! They were both children taken before their time, and no matter their residence or their color, it is a sad day for the parents of both kids who have to bury them way before their time. Our children are supposed to bury us, not the other way around.
Agreed. The death of any child is a great tragedy. We had a reporter working both stories that day; he was able to gather more information on the Hamilton teen because there was a vigil that night, so we had a complete story worthy of the front page. There was no intention to downplay the Trenton tragedy.—Ed. Note
yeah right!
the oh sevs are a joke. They didnt give a shit about that girl. They talked about the 06 beach house cause they kicked her out of the 07 beach house and kept her money. They just crave attention. They didnt like that sweet girl and they made fun of her and now the paper is making it look like their so sad. These girls are all terrible people, and they are trying to glorify themselves through her death. "It was so cool how we were popular and people from other schools knew us" they knew you cuz you were loose sarah!!!!!!
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