Advice for Obama
Hey, Ed, after reading the article about the possibility that Sen. Obama might appoint Doug Palmer to the newly created position of Office of Urban Planning, I just have to make this comment. I hope Obama has the good sense and wise counsel not to choose Mayor Palmer for this position. Palmer has performed poorly for the city of Trenton. He’s failed to address properly the gang situation, chosen to resolve our eroding neighborhoods by recruiting wealthy residents instead of assisting those of us who elected him and have a vested interest in Trenton, and spends more time away from his office than in it. I think a White House Urban Policy Planning Office needs someone committed to the plight of inner city residents. It would also benefit that office if the person had academic credentials that would inform his decision-making process. What is not needed is a political flip-flopper like the mayor who only seeks to actualize his personal agenda. Trenton may have been naive to his tactics, but hopefully those tactics won’t be tolerated beyond Trenton.
Mayor Basher No. 217
Like it or not, Mayor Palmer is a seasoned and smooth politician who is relevant in the party and has a bright political future ahead of him.—Ed. Not
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