911 Clear-Up
Hi, Ed, I am calling about the person who complained about the Hamilton 911 system. I used to be an EMT in Mercer County. I think I can explain what happens when you call 911 locally. Your call goes directly to the area police department. You are questioned by them first. If they determine that your problem is a medical emergency your call is then transferred to Mercer County Emergency Medical Services in another building, miles away. There you have to explain your problem a second time to the people responsible for dispatching the EMTs and the paramedics. These people frequently offer immediate medical advice over the phone. Advice on how to help people in child birth, first aid for cuts, how to give CPR, etc. I know it is inconvenient and upsetting to the person waiting for help. But what seems like hours is usually minutes. The police don’t speak directly to the EMS, you will always be transferred. It may not be the easiest system but that’s what we got.
On Call
So the problem is all in our perception of time. That’s far out, man.—Ed. Note
Thats the most pathetic excuse i have ever heard!unless this ignorant operator feels its a true emergency after placing a person on hold several times and disconnecting them to answer what she feels is TRUE emergencies, someone is having a heart attack the other persons neighbors house is being robbed and who know what else is going on. Let that be her father having a heart attack or her house being robbed and see how she handles that emergency.i bet the call wont be put on hold or disconnected!
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