Bum Rush
Ed, I was listening to a recent interview with Rush Limbaugh where they were bashing Barack Obama about the new stimulus package, saying how it’s not going to work. It’s easy to talk, this guy is a Republican. I am 70 years old, and we have just had eight years of the worst leadership that I have seen. When something doesn’t work we have to change it. I love this country, and it upsets me when I hear those guys on television who have multimillion-dollar deals attack Obama after his first seven days in office. It’s not helpful to cry about whose fault it is that we are in this situation. It seems like President Obama wants to try to fix it.
The problem with Rush is that he isn’t just predicting Obama’s failure, he’s rooting for Obama to fail, which is kind of like rooting for America to crash and burn. The Trentonian didn’t endorse Obama either, but now that he’s in charge we’re praying for his success for the sake of the country. — Ed. Note
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