Do It Yourself
Ed, for the ladies on Tyler Avenue who complained that there was garbage and litter all around, I say stop relying on somebody else. Take charge of your neighborhood, organize, and solve the problem yourselves. Get out a broom and clean up the area.
Cleanup Crew
That’s easy to say, but a broom won’t quite cut it. They’d have to venture onto lot after lot of other people’s property and would need dump trucks and backhoes, not brooms, to clean up the mountains of junk and debris.—Ed. Note
Clean Up Crew. I know this (do it yourself) mantra that so many ignorant people with no true knowledge of the issue, prefer to use. You prefer to put the responsibility on everyone else except the persons really responsible to it and for it. The City. Tax payers are responsible for their own properties, their own trash, their own cleanup. If a tax paying law abiding citizen had the wherewithall to take care of these problems they certainly would. But they don't have bulldozers, fencing, garbage trucks to clean and fence in lots, remove abandoned trash from yards of abandoned rental properties, clean buildings that the homeless have turned into fire hazzards and rest rooms, or fines to impose on absentee landlords that allow their properties to fall down as well as pull down other residents homes. If your broom can do this, God Bless otherwise, learn something and stop embarrassing yourself. You sound like an uneducated fool with regard to how the City should really be working. The citizens are required to pay their taxes, not do the city's work. If anyone expects them too they should relinguish return their tax $.
Guess anonymous cleaned that up.
The majority of streets in this city are filled with trash. And a large amount of trash is located on private property. Again, the problem points directly to the city. What happened to ordinance enforcement? Every problem listed as a complaint, is under the city ordinances. If the ordinances were being inforced, we wouldn't have these problems. Palmer complains about a short fall in the city's budget. It wouldn't be that way if fines were imposed on private as well as rental properties that violated a city ordinance. That however, would only take care of half the problem. Much of the trash,abandoned buildings, overgrown trees, burned out,rotting unsafe structures are on property owned by the city. Now What?
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