Getting A Job
Ed, I was laid off last October. I would like to hear from someone to confirm that my information is correct. My friend told me that I can collect unemployment through October of 2009. If and when all my money is used up and I haven’t found a job in this competitive environment with many people vying for the shrinking amount of jobs, what do I do then?
OK, I want you to try something with me. It’s called positive visualization. If you have AN ENTIRE YEAR to find a job, let’s plan on finding one. It might not be the perfect job or the job you had before or one that best utilizes your skills or one that pays you everything you’re worth, but if you’re a hard worker and you don’t give up and ask around and get some help with your resume if you need it, I am confident you can find something in the space of a year. Think positive!—Ed. Note
I am experiencing the same thing, but no matter what I'm not going to give up. You have to have a worrier mentality, meaning that you are going to conquer this quest for employment. Be vigelent and proactive and you will get the results your looking for, but above all things keep the Lord first and He'll direct your paths. thank you this is Issac Marshall
Isaac, I hope your new job doesn't require you to spell, VIGILENT.
Also Obama has already extended unemployment.
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