The Next Darfur
Ed, about the editorial recently about Darfur. Let’s get over Darfur. Darfur should worry about Darfur. You goons are worried about Darfur? Write about the U.S.A. We have people losing homes, millions of people are unemployed, homeless people, crazy people, Vietnam vets, all walking the streets homeless. Obama is slowly going down, he is taxing everybody to death. We got disease, children can’t get medical help. Worry about America, we are going to be the next Darfur. Look at Trenton, look at the shootings and the crime rate. Don’t fool yourself worrying about Darfur.
All American
Note to self: Avoid all interest in international matters.—Ed. Note
"All American Ignorant" who are you calling goons? Not I that's for sure =]. Just curious which category do you fall in out of the so many you listed unemployed?homeless?crazy people? Regardless it's ignorance that got us to this point in recession, so don't deprive yourself of international matters you fool. All Americans such as yourself need to obviously be awakened to other matters at hand besides our economy status. Shoot if we paid any attention to other issues such Darfur, then maybe just maybe (note:maybe) we wouldn't be in the predicament we are in now.As Americans we tend to be spoiled rotten self centered individuals at times.Let me ask you this, what are you doing to help yours or others situations, besides whining? Have a wonderful weekend btw!
No homes, No jobs, no health care, crazy people, yup sounds like U.S. to me. Oh I'm sorry that's Darfur.
What the difference?
America, as well as the rest of the world is worring about Darfur and other international countries that have been struck by untold poverty, disease,famineand war. As all countries that a represented in the United Nations our worries are the same. The situations you listed are not only consistent with Darfur, they are world wide. When we care for one we care for all. At least that's the way it should be. Americans can't live in this world alone. We need as much as we give. And maybe someone will answer our call, should we ever need it. Now,let's all say it out loud, UNITED NATIONS.which is the way it's supposed to be.
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