I would like to applaud the DOT in Ewing for taking down the dead trees that were around our campus. Removing dead trees is a protection of private property and utilities. The law requires that they plant three new trees for every tree they take down and that is what the DOT did. I appreciate the fact that they take care of the neighborhood. Great job by the DOT. Incidently, they are replacing the dead trees with new red maples, which is the appropriate tree for that location.
Old Red
Maple“Great job by the DOT.” Someone at the department is going to frame this installment of BackTalk and put it on the wall.— Ed. Note
Just another misappropreation of State Funds. True some of these trees needed to come down but it is one of those things that could have been put off. This money should have been used or could have been used on replacing roofs that are beyond repair, Leaking windows and equipment that is twenty years out of date. This is a perfect example of having people in management positions making ninty some thousand dollars a year that have no idea what they are doing and Corzine talks layoffs and furloughs, I have to laugh. Wake up and lets start looking at people in management who haven't got a clue or even a college education, just friends in high places. PO'd State worker.
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