Hazardous Working Conditions
Ed, I am an officer at the AJC facility in Bordentown. Those backside units where the officer was attacked are difficult to see by anyone else. The officer was alone with 22 inmates. Those inmates are under 18 but they are rapists, murderers, and very dangerous people. An officer deserves to be protected by his fellow officers. As far as backup, it was coming. It was difficult to get to that officer because they couldn’t see him. They were unaware when he called for help that he was being assaulted himself. Basically it was called in as “two inmates fighting.” When he stepped in to break up the fight one inmate assaulted him. If that officer had had a second officer up there with him he would not be injured now.
When surrounded by rapists and killers, always utilize the buddy system. I think they teach that in Boy Scouts.—Ed. Note
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