Vinnie Again
Ed, It’s Vinnie Capodanno, I want to thank BackTalk for printing what I said about the Board of Public Utilities. I think it’s real important that the people of New Jersey understand why our water, sewer and electric rates are increasing. I want to let the people of Hamilton Township know that when I get back up on council, which I will, I will put immense pressure on the members of the Board of Public Utilities. I want their names published, I want to know who they are. And who they are affiliated with. I think it is time for the people of New Jersey to really put pressure on the politicians who put them up there.
Lookout, world. Here comes Vinnie.—Ed. Note
As Vinnie's running mate for Hamilton Council, I would like to say I couldn’t agree more that there is a huge need to put some pressure on the Board of Public Utilities and those elected officials who are responsible for continued increased rates.
My Mom lives in a retirement community and in the winter her electric bills are about $600 a month. Her income as well as most senior citizens is very limited. No one, especially seniors, should have to become victim to ever increasing rates from the utility companies. There are times when mom complains how cold she is because she purposely lowers her thermostat. She actually will get in bed early just to be under the covers.
That's no way to live and when I am elected to Hamilton Council, will join Vinnie in supporting this matter.
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