Good Cars Gone
Ed, cash for clunkers was a farce. A lot of the clunkers people turned in were really not clunkers. The good reliable cars should have been resold to the public and not junked.
May those cars rest in peace. They sacrificed themselves in the name of artificially stimulating the economy. Brings a tear to the eye.—Ed. Note
This is for the person living near the Clara Barton School who placed letters on teachers cars that are parked in your neighborhood. You didn't have the back bone to sign your letter which tells me you are without a spine. Also if you notice we park our cars leagally. You letter states you want us to park down the street a few blocks so you can have that space to unload groceries and babies. So we park down the street in front of other peoples homes and we won't bother them, do I have that right? Did you go to any one of these schools or were you home schooled by some nit wit? I live by a school just like you do. All I ask from these mommies from hell dropping off kids in my area is park your car right, don't block our driveways, and for the teachers who work at this school we ask the same. If you are having a problem living near a school do yourself a favor and move the hell out. JR
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