Save the school
Ed, this is for the crazy people who want to tear down Trenton High and then rebuild it for $150 million dollars. Trenton is a dilapidated town. You have a lot of low-income people and a lot of people aren’t working at all. There ain’t much money coming into town. You can fix that school and clean it up. Use the money for programs for the kids instead. Do what you got to do.
Don’t Build It
It’s not that simple. You might be able to secure funding for a new school. But if you don’t build it, it doesn’t mean that $150 million will magically be kicking around for other uses. —Ed. Note
Ed, I wish the trentonian would look into the mercer county special services school district there is a juicy story there,
First Brian hughes gave a forty percent raise to kimberly snieder
a partime school super!! althought there no money for books and many things that these diable children are in dire need of, then they have been overpaying the staff with out warning them only to creat finacial hardship for many then recouping the monies from paycheck all this happening while contract negotiating continues.
it real ugly!! The school has blown a surplus of money in things that are not a needed to the school a kabuta quad for what all buildings are with in 3 minutes of walking from each other they spend so much on computors but failed to put them in classrooms wasnot until parents complained they set up a bunch in the libary were parents come in to drop off their children and can see them.. I have yet to see them on!!!! please send someone to check out all this,,
they may even be a vote of no confidence against the super so send someone before this story breaks to some other paper this will force brian hughes to examine who he gives raises to and what type of job are they doing,, were doing so bad they they may take the summer school away,,, and for those who say teachers earn to much i use to say that too but after seeing what they go through i say give them more these teachers spend thier own money to give your children pizza parties district claims not to have money
they stay late not being paid ot and take work home how many of you do that?? they were unable to take these children for a hay ride last year nor this but although we have
a bus mind you that can take these kid to a farm what kid doesnot like a field trip!! I know i did
these kids mare in wheel chairs and some are very sick what kind of crap is that!!! Brian Hughes
Ed, Thank you
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