Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Ed, I would like to comment on “Landlord Blues” about the landlord on Lalor Street. I used to rent a room in that place about nine or 10 years ago. It was a slum back them. Those rooms were already divided up. It was horrible. I wasn’t working then. Thank God I got a job and I own my own house now. That landlord is full of it.
Moving on Up
You were lucky enough to move on. How about becoming a landlord yourself? Set a proper example.—Ed. Note


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That landlord is not the only disgrace in this area. Why the City of Trenton and HUD have not come down on F and S Construction and the slums they rent for houses and apartments. Faulty electrical wiring in all the buildings they own it's a wonder the places have not burned down. Then they fix nothing in the dwellings and forge signatures of tenants on HUD and welfare documents to get paid rents for the slums they own. They have fooled city inspectors or are paying them off to keep quiet and continue renting substandard housing.I guess the inspectors and Mr. Lou will all retire in Columbus new jersey and admire the strip mall that f and S is building! hahahahaha.....

October 26, 2009 8:23 AM 

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