Blue Crossed
Ed, I sure hope this National health care plan passes. My Blue Cross has gone up 240 percent since 2002. I am paying over $100 a week for coverage that is minimum. Don’t even mention the co-pays, deductables, prescriptions — they don’t cover so much of this stuff. No dental and no eyeglasses, etc. Just think, this is a non-profit company and they want to be profit. If that happens it will drive half the people out of that organization because they just can’t afford it. I have cut so much I don’t know what else to cut. Don’t let me forget auto insurance. It is out of this world, but they are on the back burner, and nobody is saying anything about auto insurance.
I. Rate
Maybe Geico will get into medical insurance. Those cave men can regulate which tests doctors can perform on which patients — and make calls like whether a patient is worth saving or beyond the point of no return. I’m comfortable with that. You?—Ed. Note
If the National health care plan passes you will be paying 5 times what private insurance cost! For care you will be put on a waiting list and have to deal with a DMV like agency before seeing a doctor. The government will be telling you how to live and what you're allowed to do. NO THANKS!
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