Get ’er Done
Ed, what is wrong with the Brazilians and those lawyers and judges who won’t let this poor guy have his son? And what is wrong with Obama (even though I voted for him) that he can’t get this kid back? If we as a country supply Brazil with any imports then stop them. This is an American kid that should be back at home. Stop this insane going back and forth. Thanks to Chris Smith, who is doing a wonderful job otherwise nothing would have moved at all. What is wrong with us we let the world walk all over us? Stop going to parties and get this boy back.
Proud American
In the day since this comment was called in, the story has come to a happy conclusion, and we don’t have to go to war with Brazil. Phew! And Congrats to our hometown boy, Chris Smith, for winning the battle as the world watched! —Ed. Note
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