Blogs > Minor Matters

Run by Josh Norris, The Trentonian's Thunder beat writer, this blog will cover the team, as well as the Eastern League and Minor League Baseball as a whole.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

BREAKING: Manny Ramirez suspended 50 games for positive drug test's Tom Verducci has the story, but this is just getting sad. It's another one of our generation's greatest hitters tarnished by steroids.

As Verducci points out, while players like Alex Rodriguez and Roger Clemens have had past use exposed, Ramirez is the first major player under the new testing rules to get caught. He also says that substance may not have been a steroid, per se, but was definitely banned.

I'm sure Ramirez will play the "I didn't know what I was taking," or "I didn't know it was banned," or "I got a tainted supplement" card, but we all know that's just an excuse at this point.

Players know what they are putting in their bodies, period. There is zero chance Ramirez, J.C. Romero, Sergio Mitre or anyone else caught in the new testing just made an innocent mistake.

1:02 p.m: There's an interesting twist here from Deadspin, which has been working on a story involving Manny, steroids and a woman named Jennifer Navoy, whose husband was busted for selling steroid copycats out of their home.

The story says Navoy's husband, Christian, has cooperated with the Federal government and has Ramirez as a client, and contains a copy of the results obtained when the Federal search warrant was executed on the Navoy's home.


Anonymous Nomad said...

I tend to believe Manny when he says he didn't mean break league regulations; it seems like he's too talented or at least not dumb enough to think he'd get away with it

May 13, 2009 10:05 PM 

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