Blogs > Minor Matters

Run by Josh Norris, The Trentonian's Thunder beat writer, this blog will cover the team, as well as the Eastern League and Minor League Baseball as a whole.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The one in which I get pranked

Today being April Fool's Day, it seems only fitting that I was the victim of some mischievous Thunder pranksters yesterday. Of course, being as dense as I am, I fell for the same prank twice.

Here's how it went: Someone placed a device (probably an iPhone) in a small blue equipment. When commanded, the device made an array of (very realistic) farting noises. Someone, I suspect Wilkin De La Rosa, placed that bag under my seat. It was there for probably 20 minutes before I realized what had happened.

They eventually moved the bag under the seats of various coaches, players and others for the next few innings.

Then, once my guard was down, they did it again.

This time I was wise to the plan, and stared in the direction of De La Rosa, who smiled and asked me: "Man, what did you eat for breakfast?"

Ah, pranks. Gotta love 'em.

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