Wednesday, April 2, 2008

McHose: Corzine plan to close 9 state parks smacks of playing politics

Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose expressed her outrage at the state Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) announcement on Tuesday that it will close at least nine state parks and cut services at three others at the height of the summer tourist season due to Governor Jon Corzine’s proposed budget cuts.
McHose, R-Sussex, Morris and Hunterdon, noted that most of the parks slated for closure are located in Republican areas of the state, including High Point State Park and Worthington State Park. She said the move is further proof that the governor is not considering efficiency when making his cuts, but instead is “seeking cuts that will be expedient for him.
“It couldn’t be more clearer,” she said. “First he said he plans on eliminating the state’s Agriculture Department, which is one of the most efficiently run departments we have, and now he intends on closing down our state parks. How interesting that most of them are located in primarily Republican territory. “New Jersey parks are not the cause of our state budget problems,” McHose, a member of the Assembly Budget Committee, continued, “a self-serving governor who is clearly out of touch with our residents is.”
McHose said she is disappointed that Governor Corzine is spending his time pledging to raise $30 million to resolve the Democratic primary in Florida and Michigan when his own state is in the throes of a financial crisis and New Jersey taxpayers are suffering. According to an Associated Press report today, one in five state parks will be forced to close resulting in the layoff of 80 park workers. Offseason hours at all of the state’s 42 sites will be reduced as well. McHose said the governor’s decision is the epitome of hypocrisy because he is going after an entity that actually benefits the state’s economy.
“These parks attract millions of recreational visitors and tourists each year that are a much needed boost to the state’s economy and the economies of the regions surrounding these parks,” she explained. “Mr. Corzine should spend his time battling the real problem – excessive government spending, waste and abuse – and not targeting our resources that actually benefit the state. He should take a long, hard look at the waste in so many of our school districts and the abuse in the state’s New Jersey Family Care program.”
The results of new state audits released Monday revealed shocking displays of waste and abuse in a state-run health care program for working poor families. The audits showed that people earning six figure salaries are enrolled in the program.
“That is absolutely unconscionable,” said McHose of the report.
“The waste in this state is absolutely rampant. But instead of targeting that, Governor Corzine chooses to close our parks and eliminate the Garden State ’s Agriculture Department. It’s absurd and a slap in the face to our residents. How dare he play politics with the well being of our hard working taxpayers and our state.”


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