Friday, October 3, 2008

Good Enough

Republicans are breathing a sigh of relief this morning because their vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin passed muster and performed to the best of her ability during last night's presidential debate.

For many it was Good Enough. The bar had been lowered so far for her that she exceeded expectations and hoepfully pushed aside the hopes that she will not be fodder for comics yet again. Presidential Candidate John McCain's huge gamble on Sarah Palin seems to be paying off. She is doing her job of keeping the people interested, connecting with the "hockey moms" and proving once again why she is proud to be running with a maverick.

Political web sites, blogs and social media sites are receiving comments from folks all across america. A majority of people believe Sarah Palin did a good job, she stayed on message and for some she won the debate. Others believe she did not.

A few commentators accessing her performance noted that she had style, communicated well, but she is not ready for the job.

The debate did show, one commentator said, that there is a difference betweeen a pro and a amateur.

Despite all her folksy charm, the shout outs, and winks, Sarah Palin did Good Enough.


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