The Trentonian's Strange But True Page

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bad toilet

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - An anonymous donor paid $790 and the Colorado Springs Utilities forgave the remainder of a nearly $1,200 water tab billed to a man whose toilet malfunctioned while he was away for two months.

Les Cole, 82, who lives on a government pension, learned his bill was more than eight times his normal water usage. The anonymous donor contacted The Gazette Monday, asked to see the water bill, then went down to the utilities office and paid it, leaving Cole with a $10 credit.

The man asked that he be identified only as "Joe."

The utility forgave $415 of the bill because if failed to follow its notification policies when usage skyrockets by not trying to contact Cole.

"I'm very grateful for `Joe' doing this," Cole said, "and I have sent him thank you notes twice."


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